
workplace bullyingMany workers feel like they are being bullied by their manager. Workplace bullying can range form anything from being micromanaged and told that no matter what you do is not good enough, to being yelled at, cussed at, and otherwise been treated less than respectfully by your manager.  However, workplace bullying, however unfair and hurtful it might be, is not illegal. This means that no legal claim can be made against the employer for bullying. Further, if you were to complaint to your HR or higher management about bullying, and the employer openly terminated you for that complaint, this wouldn’t be considered a retaliatory termination, because complaining about bullying is not considered a “protected activity” within the meaning of anti-retaliation laws.

The only situation in which bullying may be illegal is when there is evidence that the true reason for you being bullied is discriminatory or retaliatory, i.e. due to your age, disability, religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, complaining about harassment, safety violation, etc.