When Your Employer Forces You to Clock Out

clock-out-time-card-california-lawAn employer who forces an employee to clock out despite the fact that that the employee has to continue working after he clocks out violates the law and effectively does not pay that employee all wages due. Many managers do this because they are under pressure from their higher managers to keep the wages and overall expenses as low as possible to increase the profit margin. This doesn’t change the fact that this type of practice is still illegal and it’s not different from the other, more common violating that employers commit – altering time cards, and replacing the hours inputted by the employee with the smaller number of hours, which the supervisors “believes” the employee worked.

If your employer forces you to clock out before you are actually done working, you may consider filing a claim with your local DLSE (Department of Labor Standards Enforcement) on your own or with the help of an employment attorney.

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