Are Performance Review Rebuttals Worth Submitting?

performance review rebuttalsMany employees spend a lot of time composing elaborate performance review rebuttals when they disagree with their performance evaluation. The question is whether the make a difference. Generally, the answer is “no” for at least two reasons:

1. Employers are entitled to their subjective view of your performance, however wrong you might think it is. The fact that you disagree with their evaluation will not change their mind about your work.

2. Employers rarely even read performance review rebuttals, especially very long ones. I have seen ten page or even longer performance review rebuttals to a two page review. I doubt that too many busy managers will bother to read a document that long that has hardly any importance.

If you decide to submit a rebuttal, because your company policy suggests that it might be a good idea to show your side of the story and because you know that your rebuttal will be reviewed and considered in possibly upgrading your performance rating, make sure that your rebuttal is short and not disrespectful to the employer. Pointing fingers at other employees or discussing in your rebuttal how your managers are setting you up for failure to will not benefit you in anyway, but will only invite retaliation. So, if you have a few things to say in defense of your performance, keep them brief and factual